Tilt-Table Test


如果你经常感到头晕或头晕, your health care team may use a tilt-table test to find out why. During the test, you lie on a table that is slowly tilted upward. The test measures how your blood pressure and heart rate respond to the force of gravity. A nurse or technician keeps track of your blood pressure and your heart rate (脉冲)看看它们在测试过程中是如何变化的.


This test is used to trigger your symptoms while your health care team is watching you. They measure your blood pressure and heart rate during the test to find out what’s causing your symptoms. The test is normal if your average blood pressure stays stable as the table tilts upward and your heart rate increases by a normal amount.

如果你的血压下降 and stays low during the test, you may faint or feel lightheaded. This can happen either with an abnormally slow heart rate or with a fast heart rate. That’s because your brain isn’t getting enough blood for the moment. (This is corrected as soon as you are tilted back to the flat position.) Your heart rate may not be adapting as the table tilts upward, or your blood vessels may not be squeezing hard enough to support your blood pressure.

感到头晕或昏厥(syncope) may be caused by taking certain medicines, severe dehydration, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), 低血糖(低血糖症), prolonged bed rest and certain nervous system disorders that cause 低血压.


倾斜试验通常是一个安全的程序. 人们很少在测试中晕倒. And, even if they do, medical staff will be present and it’s safer than fainting on your own in an uncontrolled situation. 如果有人晕倒, usually they feel well again within a short time after the table returns to a flat position.


  • Don’t eat or drink for at least two hours before the test.
  • 如果你有早考, you may be told not to eat or drink after midnight the night before.
  • 如果你吃药, ask your health care professional if you should keep taking it on your regular schedule before the test.


A specially-trained nurse or technician performs the tilt-table test in a hospital or clinic electrophysiology lab. 测试有两个部分.

Part One

The first part of the test shows how your body responds when you change positions.

  • 你仰面躺在桌子上. 腰部和膝盖的绑带可以帮助你保持姿势. 在你的手臂上插了静脉注射管.  Small pads with wires are attached to your chest and are connected to electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) machine to track your heartbeat. 手臂上的袖带可以测量你的血压.
  • The table is tilted so your head is slightly higher (30 degrees) than the rest of your body while your blood pressure and heart rate are checked.
  • After about five minutes, the table is tilted further, to a 60-degree angle or higher. You will remain in this position for up to 45 minutes while your blood pressure and heart rate are checked. You will be asked to stay still and quiet during this time, 但如果你觉得不舒服,你应该告诉别人.
  • 如果你的血压下降 during this time, the table will be lowered and the test will stop. 你不需要参加考试的第二部分. 如果你的血压在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽结束后没有下降, the table will be lowered again and the second part of the test will start.

Part Two

The second part of the test shows how your body responds to a medicine (isoproterenol) that causes your heart to beat faster and stronger. This medicine is like the hormone adrenaline that your body releases when you are under stress. 这种药可能会让你觉得你在锻炼. It may make you more sensitive to the tilt-table test if your blood pressure didn’t change during the first part of the test. 对于这部分测试:

  • 你将通过静脉注射管给药.
  • 接下来,桌子向上倾斜到60度角.
  • You may feel your heartbeat increase because of the medicine.
  • 如果你的血压下降, 桌子会放低到平的位置, 这药将停药, 测试就会结束.
  • If your blood pressure does not drop after about 15 minutes, 桌子放下来,测试就结束了.

The tilt-table test lasts about an hour if you do both parts. If you only do the first part, you may be done in 20 to 45 minutes.


You may feel tired and a little sick to your stomach right after the test. After recovery, most people can drive home and return to their normal activities. However, 如果你在考试中失去意识, 你可能需要更多的观察和测试. 如果你晕倒了,不要自己开车回家.


考试一结束你就可以得到结果. Sometimes your health care professional will give you the results a few days later. 结果要么是“阴性”,要么是“阳性”.”

  • 如果你的血压在测试过程中没有下降, 你也没有其他症状, 检查结果为阴性(正常).
  • 如果你的血压下降 during the test and you feel faint or dizzy, the test is positive. Your health care professional may suggest changing your medicines or having more tests. 如果你晕倒是因为 slow heart rate (心动过缓),建议使用起搏器.



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