
The Nutrition Facts label can help you make healthier eating choices 和 identify nutrient-dense foods for a healthy diet. Here are some tips to better underst和 the information on these labels.



1 -从服务信息开始.

This tells the size of a single serving 和 the total number of servings per container. The serving size reflects the amount people typically eat or drink.

2 - Check total calories per serving 和 container.

Notice how many calories are contained in one serving. Compare this to the number of servings 你吃. If 你吃 two servings, you double the calories 和 nutrients.

The next sections on a Nutrition Facts label are about the amounts of specific nutrients in the product.

3 -限制某些营养素.

Check key nutrients 和 underst和 what you’re looking for.

  • Focus on the amount of saturated 和 反式脂肪s rather than the amount of total fats. 并非所有的脂肪都是有害的.  
  • 避免 反式脂肪. When the Nutrition Facts label lists “0 g” of 反式脂肪 but includes “partially hydrogenated oil” in the ingredient list, 这意味着食物中含有反式脂肪, 但是小于0.每份5克. So, if 你吃 more than one serving, you could end up eating too much 反式脂肪.
  • Total sugars can include both natural 和 添加糖.
  • 限制添加糖的量, 饱和脂肪 和  你吃.
  • Compare labels on different br和s or similar products 和 choose foods with less of these nutrients when possible.

4 - Get enough of the beneficial nutrients.

Make sure you get enough of the nutrients your body needs, 比如钙, 膳食纤维, 铁, 钾和维生素D.*

We all need more 膳食纤维 to help reduce blood cholesterol levels, provide us with a feeling of fullness 和 manage a healthy body weight. Adults need at least 25-35 grams of fiber daily for good health.

5 -了解%每日摄入量.

The % Daily Value (DV) tells you the percentage of each nutrient in a single serving, 就每日推荐摄入量而言. If you want to consume less of a nutrient (such as 饱和脂肪 or 钠), choose foods with a lower % DV (5% or less). If you want to consume more of a nutrient (such as fiber), choose foods with a higher % DV (20% or more).

The information shown on the label is based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day. 你可能需要少于或多于2个,000卡路里,这取决于你的年龄, 性别, activity level 和 whether you’re trying to lose, 增加或保持体重.

美国.S. Food 和 Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods 和 drinks. In 2016, the FDA released changes to the label to make it easier to see how many calories 和 添加糖 are in a product 和 to make serving sizes more realistic. 截至2020年1月, all food manufacturers were required to make these changes on the Nutrition Facts labels on their products.


*Source: 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans





