7 Excuses to Overindulge 和 How to Take Control


借口,借口. Don’t let them get in the way of eating healthy.

Here are seven ways to overcome common excuses many people make to overindulge.

  1. It’s a holiday (or the weekend or date night). Life has lots of special occasions — 和 weekends! Indulging a bit on holidays is OK, but you don’t want to make that a repetitive behavior. 如果你提前计划,会很有帮助. 例如, if you’re going to an all-you-can eat holiday buffet, start with a small salad at home so you’re not starving when you go down the buffet line. 制作节日饼干? Why not make them festive 和 healthier this year? Try using oatmeal, fruits 和 nuts as main ingredients, 和 cutting the sugar in half.

  2. I’m down in the dumps (or stressed to the max). You blew a work deadline, had a flat tire or left your wallet at the grocery store. Comfort food is calling you, maybe even yelling to you. 生活的压力, such as employment or caring for a sick relative, also can cause you to overeat — even when you’re not hungry. 而不是过度放纵, try a distraction like taking a brisk walk, taking a few deep breaths or meditating. 这些建议可以帮助你 管理你的压力也.

  3. 我今天已经搞砸了. I had a c和y bar from the vending machine. 没有人是完美的. Focus on what you can do next, not on what you did last. Plan ahead to eat healthy when in the office or on the run. 随身携带零食, such as a portable piece of fruit (think apple, 香蕉或橘子), unsalted nuts 和 baggies of air-popped popcorn, that you can keep in your desk or grab on your way out the door.

  4. Someone brought doughnuts (or cake or pizza) to the office. It’s OK to pass on the unhealthy freebies. 如果你沉溺其中, have a couple of small mouthfuls 和 then find a way to get in some extra physical activity like taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

  5. 我没有线上电子游戏飞禽走兽吃健康的食物. Look for small pockets of time to do something healthy for yourself — even if it’s while you’re doing something else. Try cutting fruit or vegetables while you’re watching the morning news on TV. This can be today’s snacks or for tonight’s salad. 也许可以随便拼凑一个 慢炖食谱 while you’re talking to your best friend on the phone.

  6. It’s hard to find healthier choices when eating out. 餐馆可能很有挑战性,但是 外出就餐 doesn’t mean you have to ditch your healthy ways. Look online for the restaurant menu ahead of time to identify good choices. Ask for healthy substitutions 和 sauces/dressing on the side. Try sharing portions with your dining companion or saving half for another meal.

  7. I’ll start being healthy tomorrow (next month, after the holidays). 此刻 享未来? 现在就开始. 每次只迈出一小步. Building upon these small steps creates lasting healthier habits. You’ll be amazed at what you can do — one bite at a time!





